2022.12.7., szerda 16:38

Photo gallery WSF2022

The photos taken at the sessions of WSF can be found below the descriptions of the sessions in the programme. Please, visit the session's page in the on-line programme of the website to check if the photos of your sesssion are available.



You can also browse the photos in the flickr gallery of World Science Forum 2022:




05 December 2022

Side events

Science for Inclusivity, Innovation, Food Security, Nutrition and Social Justice

The Ethics of Intervening in the Lives of Others, the Example of Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco use in Africa

Spanning the Boundaries between Policymakers and Researchers: A Transformative Innovation Policy Approach

Promoting social justice through accessibility of language in science

Science Policy Advice to Tackle Societal Challenges

Scientific freedom and the RRING Community working with UNESCO on the Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers

The Political Economy of Innovation in Africa: Implications for Capacity Building

Science, Technology and Innovation Measurement in Africa and SDG 9.5

Decarbonizing Transportation in Europe and Africa: Priorities for addressing social justice issues and lessons learned


06 December 2022

Side events

WSF2022 Biosphere reserves shining gems of natural ecosystems

WSF2022 Basic Science for Sustainable Development From a perspective of Leveraging Global Large Research Infrastructure


Opening ceremony


07 December 2022

Plenary Sessions


Science for human dignity - What role for science in fighting poverty, unemployment, inequality and exclusion?


Science for Climate Justice - How can Science Working with Civil Society Lead the Way in Correcting the Failure of Climate Policy


Thematic Sessions


Building Bridges for Early Career Scientists Global Experiences on Impactful Leadership Training and Networking

Establishing An African Knowledge Democracy for Increased Social Justice and Development

Protecting Freshwater Through Inclusive Collaboration to Achieve Social Justice

Geoscience for Sustainable Human Progress

Grassroots Communities, Science and Social Justice Science for More Effective and Humane Drug Policies

Responding to Pandemics Science and Human Rights

Climate Justice Seeking Equitable Solutions to Adverse Effects of Climate Change on Health


Fostering STI Systems in Africa and Equitable International Partnerships

At-Risk, Displaced, and Refugee Scholars Global Dynamics and Best Practices

Health, Climate and Social Justice in African Cities

Global Scientific Research as a Tool to Unlock and Engage Talent

Biotechnology for Social Justice Discovery, Innovation, and Impact

The Paths to Fully Open Access Science Across the Global South

No Justice Without Knowledge - Communicating Science


08 December 2022

Plenary sessions


Science for Africa and The World How to Unleash the Potential of African Science in Global Cooperation


Science for diplomacy - How can science reboot multilateralism and global solidarity?


Thematic Sessions


Ecosystem to enhance global public good with science: distributive justice and well-being as key concepts

Equity and diversity in scientific policy advice – enhancing the social value of research and the impact of evidence‐based policymaking

Localized Science, Technology and Innovation Roadmaps for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in Africa

Physics and Accelerators for Science and Social Justice

A global strategy to combat predatory academic journals and conferences

Getting Women into Academies and Scientific Leadership: Mentoring Works

What if? Is curiosity still the main driving force behind revolutionary ideas in science?


Repatriation of unethically obtained human remains: Can policy and science converge to ensure community justice?

Different lens, better outcomes? Intersectionality as a critical component of gender transformative research

Intersections between social justice and the free and responsible conduct of science

Making the most of quantum computers, inclusively and openly, to reach the SDGs

Open Science and a Just, Equitable Scientific Enterprise: Promises and Pitfalls

Science Diplomacy for Social Justice

Challenges of Urbanization: Food Security in Africa


09 December 2022

Plenary sessions


Justice in science - How to ensure science reflects the society we want?


Closing ceremony

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