2024.07.31., szerda 14:37

Application process for hosting WSF2026

Organisations interested in hosting the World Science Forum are required to send a letter of intent to the chair of the Steering Committee of World Science Forum stating their willingness and motivation to take up the responsibility of organising the Forum. This responsibility includes respecting the mission, and the core values and traditions of the WSF series as approved in the Statutes of WSF, as well as bearing the expenses of local organisation, namely the provision of the following: a suitable venue for the conference, catering for participants, accommodation for speakers, covering travel expenses for plenary speakers, and in line with the traditions of WSF, accommodation grants for a limited number of participants. Host organisations are typically national science organisations or government ministries of science. The Steering Committee will make its decision based on the motivation of the host organisation and compliance of the bid with the objectives of the World Science Forum. Preference will be given to the representation of developing regions which have not yet hosted a World Science Forum.


The Steering Committee will announce the 2026 host during WSF2024 in Budapest and start preparations for the 2026 edition of the Forum, so letters of intent are expected to be submitted by 31 September 2024.

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