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Mr. Martín De Ambrosio
VP, Argentinean Network of Science Journalism
Martín De Ambrosio is an Argentinean science journalist since 2000. He was staff in national newspaper as Pagina/12 (2000-2005) and Perfil (2005-2013) where acted as subeditor; since 2013 he is freelance for different TV and radio shows as well as print media like La Nación (where act as “colaborador permanente”), among other media outlets, including British Medical Journal and Nature. Now in 2024 he is co-manager of the Pathways to Net Zero Project by the Earth Journalism Network (EJN). He´s worked for HTH radio show at Metro 95.1 station. He has published books, Among them: Science best friend (2004), Why we run (2012) and All you need to know about climate change (2014). He has covered five UN climate change summits, in Cancún (2010), Lima (2014), Paris (2015), Bonn (2017) and Madrid (2019); two of them as CCMP fellow and one as Latinamerican fellowship. He´s got a scholarship to cover 2016 Kavli Prizes in Norway, Heidelberg Laureate Forum and Falling Walls Conference in 2017 among other international events and conferences. He also got training and grants from colombian Fundación Gabo (García Márquez) and was fellow 2022 of the Kiplinger program in Ohio University. He is currently Vice-president (2023-2025) for the Argentinean Science Journalism Network (RADPC), World Federation of Science Journalists (WFSJ) member. He has edited about 20 books by different authors.