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Dr Éva Dékány
Senior Researcher, HUN-REN Hungarian Research Center for Linguistics
Éva Dékány received a Ph.D. from the Center for Advanced Study in Theoretical Linguistics at the University of Tromsoe in 2012. She is currently a senior researcher at HUN-REN Hungarian Research Center for Linguistics and Eötvös University (Budapest). She specializes in formal models of syntax and morphology and has widely published on aspects of the nominal and adpositional phrase as well as non-finite subordination. She investigated these topics in Hungarian (Uralic), Estonian (Uralic), Udmurt (Uralic), Ch’ol (Mayan), Thai (Kra-Dai) and Ainu (isolate, Japan). Éva is founding co-chair of the Hungarian Young Academy and a member of the Global Young Academy. She also serves on the board of Generative Linguistics of the Old World.