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Ms Sabine Henzler

Director for Strategy, Work Programme and Resources, Joint Research Centre, European Commission


Ms Henzler is the Director for Strategy, Work Programme and Resources the European Commission Joint… (more)

Ms Henzler is the Director for Strategy, Work Programme and Resources the European Commission Joint Research Centre. She oversees the units in charge of Resources planning including Human Resources, Scientific Work Programme, International Relations and Outreach, Legal Affairs, exploratory Scientific Development, Quality Management and Euratom Coordination.


Until August 2021, Ms Sabine Henzler was Director for International and General Affairs at the European Commission’s Directorate General for Taxation and Customs Union (TAXUD). In this role, she steered the EU’s bilateral customs relations with countries across the globe as well as the privileged partnerships with the EU’s neighbouring countries. Ms Henzler represented the EU in the main governance bodies of the World Customs Organization. She played a central role for strategic planning/reporting; oversaw the management of the staff of the Directorate General and the over 2bn € budget for the EU’s tax and customs policies as well as the development of the EU’s trans-european IT systems which interconnect 27 Member States.


Ms Henzler has more than 30 years of experience in dealing with customs, international trade and IT matters and participated in key negotiations. She started her career in the private sector as an export specialist and then joined the public sector where she worked in a variety of areas starting with Banking, Financial Services and International Accounting standards. In 2000 she moved to customs to oversee the team responsible for the system of tariff rulings at EU level as well as for tariff classification. She subsequently became Head of Office of the Director General for taxation and customs union where she accompanied major political and legal initiatives in customs and tax policy. She held middle management positions in policy coordination, strategy and process optimization both in TAXUD and in the Commission’s IT service.