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Ms Nazeema Isaacs

PhD Research Trainee, HSRC


Ms Nazeema Isaacs (HSRC) is a PhD research trainee in the Impact Centre in the HSRC, research… (more)

Ms Nazeema Isaacs (HSRC) is a PhD research trainee in the Impact Centre in the HSRC, research psychologist and registered counsellor with the Health Professions Council of South Africa. She works on several projects focused on gender and inclusivity, intersectionality, and transformation. Some of her research interests include gender-based violence, sexuality, and sexual and reproductive health. Nazeema serves as project manager of the ICARS-IDRC funded project, titled Strengthening gender equality and social inclusion in LMICs across the antimicrobial intervention and implementation research continuum; and have been intimately involved in conducting the country profiles of the current SGCI-2 Gender and Inclusivity Project.