‹ BackProf. Ph. D. Ioan Jelev
Vice-president, Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences
Date of Birth: 7 January 1947, Oradea, Romania. Prof. Engineer, Ph. D. and Doctor Honoris Causa of Oradea University, full member of the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences since 2012, Honorary member of the Academy of Science of Moldova, UEAA President. Field of activity: environment protection, water management, fluid mechanics, hydraulic machines, transient mixed flows in hydraulic galeries and conduits. Peer review for scientific works as member of assesing group of Ministry of Education and Research, FP 7 EU Program, Hong Kong University, for national and international research programs. 10 years Secretary of State, head of Environment and Water Management Departments in the Ministry of Waters, Forestry and Environmental Protection. 5 yeras General Director of the National Research and Develoment Institute for Environmental Protection, 2 years Generaly Secretary of the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, vice-president of the Academy since 2017, president of Romanian MAB-UNESCO Committee, president of Basel Convention (2002-2004). Eleven books, over 120 papers in scientific national and international scientific reviews (Journal of Applied Mecahnics, Water Power & Dam Construction, Journal of international Association for Hydraulic Research, Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology - Polish Academy of Sciences etc.). More than 100 studies and research reports elaborated between 1969 and 1989 as project manager.