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Prof. Zdenek Kalab
scientist / president of the Czech Association of Geophysicists, Czech Academy of Sciences/Czech Association of Geophysicists
Prof. Dr. Zdeněk Kaláb, PhD.
Senior scientist, Institute of Geonics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic; also: Faculty of Civil Engineering, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
Zdeněk Kaláb graduated from Faculty of the Natural Sciences (in applied geophysics), in 1986 RNDr degree (Geologia specialis, hydrogeologia, geophysica usui accomodata), in 1992 - PhD degree (Candidate of geological sciences), all at Charles University of Prague. Degree of professor of geotechnical and underground engineering he received in 2010. Prof. Kaláb is senior scientist in Institute of Geonics, ASCR since 1990; he was head of Department of geophysics (2007-2011) and he holds several grades. Since 2001 he lectures at VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava. His main topics are applied and engineering geophysics, seismology, technical seismicity, geotechnical monitoring, blasting, and elaboration of digital data. Prof. Kaláb is founder member of CAAG - Czech Association of Geophysicists, since 1993 member of Expert staff of the CAAG, and since 2008 President of the CAAG. He is member Mining Committee of Polish Academy of Sciences and visiting professor in Fac. of the Earth Sciences, University of Katowice (Poland). Prof. Kaláb was decorated by Distinguished Medal of Minister of Economy of the Poland – “Credit of Polish Mining” and Honorary letter of dean of Fac. of Civil Engineering, VSB – Technical University and he was member of ISEG NATO.