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N'Djamena-Chad, University of N'Djamena


Dr MAHAMAT NOUR Abdallah is a fellow of the ARISE PP program, a lecturer-researcher and assistant… (more)

Dr MAHAMAT NOUR Abdallah is a fellow of the ARISE PP program, a lecturer-researcher and assistant professor in the Department of Geology at the Faculty of Exact and Applied Sciences of the University of N'Djamena. He obtained his PhD in Geosciences at the University of Aix Marseille, CEREGE, France in 2019 and then completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Pascal Paoli University in Corsica in 2021. His work is mainly based on understanding the functioning of Sahelian and transboundary surface waters and aquifers in the Lake Chad Basin (LCB) where he developed stable isotopes (3H, δ2H and δ18O) and geochemical tools.

Dr MAHAMAT NOUR Abdallah's long term ambition is to develop geochemical -isotopic and modelling tools in order to better understand the relationship between surface and groundwater in Sahel and in particular in the Lake Chad Basin for efficient management of water resources. In addition, Dr MAHAMAT NOUR Abdallah aims to develop a new generation of experts capable of understanding these crucial issues for the development of the region.