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Professor István Mészáros
MTA doctor, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Section of Engineering Sciences
István Mészáros (PhD, DSc), was born in 1963, Budapest, Hungary. He received his MSc degree in Electrical Engineering in 1985 and his PhD degree in 1997 from Budapest University of Technology and Economics. He was Scientific Research Fellow in the Applied Physical Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in the period of 1985-1991. From 1985 to 1992 he was Assistant Professor at the Material Science and Engineering Department of the Mechanical Engineering Faculty of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics becoming a Full Time Professor in the same department in 2017. His research field is the magnetic investigation of material properties. He is lecturing in the field of Materials Science, Material Testing and Biocompatible Materials. He dealt with the Barkhausen measurement and remanent lifetime estimation of power plant materials. Currently, he is dealing with the application possibilities of magnetic measurements for material characterization.