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Dr. Zoltán Micskei
Associate Professor, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Zoltán Micskei obtained his MSc and PhD degrees in software engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 2005 and 2013, respectively. He is currently an associate professor at the same university, the deputy head of the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Systems Engineering, and the leader of the Critical Systems Research Group. His research interests include software testing and model-based engineering with a focus on empirical studies. He was the site leader at his university of the H2020 ADVANCE and ITEA3 EMBrACE collaborative projects, a co-PI of the Safety Science and Technology Competence Center national project, and the leader of several industrial collaborations. He served as the general co-chair for DISC’19, and as a PC member for various international conferences. He was a visiting researcher at LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse. He is a senior member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). A publication he co-authored won the 10-Year Most Influential Regular Paper award from the SoSyM journal (2021). He received the Kalmár Award from the John von Neumann Computer Society (2021). The students of the faculty voted him as an Excellent Young Lecturer of the Faculty (2016).