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Dr. János Mizsei

MTA doctor, Budapest University of Technology and Economics


János Mizsei was born in Jaszladany, Hungary, in 1952. He received his diploma in electrical… (more)

János Mizsei was born in Jaszladany, Hungary, in 1952. He received his diploma in electrical engineering (1976), „Dr. Techn.” degree (1979), „PhD” (1995) from the Technical University of Budapest, the „candidate for techn. Science” (1987) and the „doctor of science” degree (2003) from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He has worked at the Department of Electron Devices of the Technical University of Budapest since 1977.His main subjects of interests are semiconductor technology (investigation and education), electron devices included solar cells, surface physics of semiconductors and semiconductor gas sensors.Appointments: 2022- professor emeritus.

2004-2022, full time prof.

1992-2004, assoc. prof.

1983-1992, senior lecturer

1977-1983 Budapest University of Technology, assistant lecturer