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Dr Thilini Palliya Guruge
Research Scientist-Grade-I, Ruhuna-Duke Center for Infectious Disease, University of Ruhuna
Dr. Thilini Sithara wickramatunga is a Research Scientist at the Duke Ruhuna Collaborative Research Center for infectious Diseases, Where she plays a key role in advancing research in infectious disease control.
As a Lecturer at the Edith Cowan University in Sri Lanka, She teaches Undergraduates in Human Molecular Genetics and Advanced Biomedical Techniques,
In 2023, She was invite dspeaker at the advanced Medical Chemistry (Adv.MedChem) Conforence in paris, Demonstrating her experience in molecular sciences.
Prevously Dr Wickramatunga worked as a molecular biologist with the world Mosquito program in sri lanka, where she was instrumental in implementing the innovative wolbachia project in collaborating with the National Dengue control Unit and Monash University. This groundbreaking initiative aimed to control dengue fever, underscoring her ability to real-world public health challenges.
Her Ph.D reserch, completed in 2022, focused on proteomics and RNA biology, Specifically the structural and functional characterization of the ARV1 protein in the parasitic nematode Setaria digitata.
Her Dedication to vaccine acience is evident from her participation in the Duke-NUS Vaccine Science Masterclasses in Sigapore.
Dr.Wickramatunga was recently honored with the prestigious YHK young woman scientist Award in 2024, recognizing her contributions and potential in the scientific community.