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Dr Ayu Parawansa
Lecturer, Muslim University of Indonesia
She is lecture of Government for Private University at Muslim University of Indonesia since 1993. Formal education Baghelor of Plant Protection, Studied Magister of Agriculture field of Agricultural System and Doctor of Agricultural Sience field of Plant Pathology.
She has attended Certified International Education at Coady International Institute, St.FX University for Women by Leadership and Community Driven Impact Assessment (Canada, 2016). She was Head of the Plant Pests and Diseases Laboratory, Head of the International Affairs Office, Secretary of Continuous Quality Improvement in her university. Has joining research with ACIAR Cocoa Project Hort.10/11 research on the Symptom development of vsd disease on cocoa. She often attends conferences/symposiums/ Delegate including ASEAN Cocoa Club (Vietnam, 2024; Bangkok 2023), International Symposium on Cocoa Research (ISCR) at Montpellier, France (2022); Seminar On Sustainability In Cocoa Supply Chain Through Advanced Technology, Kinabalu-Malaysia (2024); World Science Forum (Budapest, 2019; Yordan, 2017); 10th ISTIC UNESCO Anniversary and International Conference "Climate Change Education” ISTIC UNESCO, Kuala Lumpur (2018), International Forum on Harnessing Women's Talent in STI, Kuala Lumpur (2015); International Congress Of Plant Protection, Berlin (2015); International Congress of Plant Pathology, Beijing (2014); 3rd International Conference of Pakistan Phytopathological Society Karachi, Pakistan (2013), Training Certificate of The Development of Water Harvesting Technique and Irrigation Infrastructure, Taiwan (2017), Sandwich Like Program at La Trobe University, Melbourne Australia (2010).