Programme / Bridging Continents & Advancing Science: The Future of Asia-Europe Science Diplomacy
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Wednesday / 20 NOV
9:00 - 10:30
The current global order is undergoing a remarkable transformation in diplomacy and industry, with a growing number of countries appointing Science Diplomats, and businesses integrating diplomats into their public policy departments. The cross-pollination of ideas and expertise drives innovation and economic growth, however at the same time, governments are also ensuring that public good remains a priority.
The increase in focus on Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) presents a unique opportunity to foster increased dialogue and cooperation among Asian and European stakeholders. Europe and Asia jointly account for a significant share of the world's population (almost 70%) collectively contributing to over 60% of the world's gross domestic product (GDP). By cooperating together and leveraging their strong diplomatic ties, they can harness their collective scientific and technological progress to develop cutting-edge solutions and innovations, thereby establishing a solid foundation for science diplomacy and international cooperation.
The Panel discussion presented by the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), will showcase the initial findings from the Asia-Europe Science & Technology Diplomacy Report, mapping over 40 different country science and technology diplomacy strategies, priorities, policy tools, and their performance across countries in Asia and Europe.
The panel discussion will provide regional insights from countries in Asia and Europe, highlighting the similarities and differences in the approach to Science Diplomacy between countries, regions, and continents. The panellists will also share their recommendations to the stakeholders of science diplomacy policies, such as government agencies, higher education and research institutions, for enhanced collaboration within and across the two regions, and their views on how to prepare the next generation of young leaders for peaceful and productive collaboration for the global good.
- Kana Asano, Fellow, Japan Science and Technology Agency
- Kotchaphan BOWONCHAIYARIT, Policy Analyst, Office of National Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation Policy Council
- Ms. Chi Tran, Technology Policy Researcher, Institute for Policy Studies and Media Development
- Mr Maxim Vandekerckhove, Coordinator (BDA) - Attaché (Government), Brussels Diplomatic Academy - Belgian Science Policy Office (Belspo)
- Mr. Bálint Szabó, Head of Youth Section, Central European Scientific Society of Innovation and Technology
- Olivia Geymond, Advisor, Tony Blair Institute for Global Change