Programme / Utilizing the International Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development (IDSSD) Effectively for Accelerated Sustainable Development in Developing Countries
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Wednesday / 20 NOV
12:30 - 14:00
In August 2023, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) proclaimed the International Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development 2024-2033 (hereinafter referred to as Decade), with UNESCO as the lead agency for its implementation. One of the key objectives of the Decade is “to build a robust science culture in which everyone has the right to participate in science and enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights”.
In an attempt to advance the objectives the UN Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development, UNESCO, Beirut Multisectoral Office and the Hungarian Academy of Science are co-hosting a Roundtable Discussion on Utilizing the (IDSSD2024-2033) as an Effective Vehicle Towards Accelerated Sustainable Development in Developing Countries, to be held on 20th November 2024 in Müpa Palace of Arts, in the Festival theatre, in Budapest, Hungary between 12h30 – 14h00.
The key objective of the roundtable is to gather international experts in the multi-facet field of sustainable development possible achievement in developing countries to reflect on a possible strategy and actions for promoting science cooperation for the production and utilization of actionable knowledge and technologies in the context of the UN Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development.
Participants & Format
The participants of the roundtable include internationally renowned experts representing different perspectives of science cooperation and covering a broad range of geographic regions, scientific disciplines and relevant stakeholders, including scientists, sustainability experts, Urban planning specialists, decision and policy makers, educators and international organizations. The roundtable will take place in a physical format, and the discussion will be held in English.
PPT Link:
Nazar M. Hassan: