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Professor Şener Aktürk
Professor, Department of International Relations, Koç University
Şener Aktürk is Professor in the Department of International Relations at Koç University. He is a scholar of comparative politics, with a focus on comparative politics of ethnicity, religion, and nationalism. After completing his BA and MA at the University of Chicago and his PhD in political science at the University of California, Berkeley, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies and a Visiting Lecturer at the Department of Government at Harvard University. His book, Regimes of Ethnicity and Nationhood in Germany, Russia, and Turkey (Cambridge University Press, 2012) received the 2013 Joseph Rothschild book prize from the Association for the Study of Nationalities. As a comparative political scientist broadly defined, the following countries were among the qualitative case studies in his publications: Afghanistan, Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Egypt, England, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Italy, the Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Syria, Türkiye, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Aktürk is the recipient of Peter Odegard Award, Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant, Sakıp Sabancı International Research Award, Baki Komsuoglu Social Sciences Encouragement Award, Kadir Has Social Sciences Prize, Turkish Academy of Sciences Young Scientist Award, BAGEP Science Academy Award, and TUBİTAK Incentive Prize. He has been a senior fellow of TRT World Research Centre (2018-2021), member of the Koç University Press editorial board (since 2022), and Associate Editor of Nationalities Papers (2013-2024). He was elected an Associate Member of the Turkish Academy of Sciences in 2023.