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State Secretary Marcelo Fett
State Secretary, Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation of the State of Santa Catarina
Marcelo Fett, lawyer, has held various positions in public administration. At present, he is State Secretary for Science, Technology and Innovation, while earlier he was active as Secretary for Economic Development and Innovation in the Santa Catarina municipalities of São José (4th largest municipality) and Palhoça (9th largest municipality). Prior to that, he worked as Market Relations Director at Softplan Sistemas, one of the largest IT companies in the country, with more than 3,000 employees, 4,000 active clients and a presence in all Brazilian states, Latin American countries and the USA. He is the former president of Itajaí Participações S/A, a public company in the municipality of Itajaí (2nd largest GDP) responsible for promoting investment in the city and setting up the Itajaí Region Innovation District. He was a member of the Inova@SC Programme team of the State Secretariat for Sustainable Development, responsible for attracting important investments to the state, in particular the BMW plant in Araquari. He also took part in designing the Investe SC investment attraction agency and the foundations of the Santa Catarina Innovation Programme (2011-2013). He was a member of the Joinville Municipal Science and Technology Council (2011-2012), the Florianópolis Municipal Innovation Council (2011-2012) and the Palhoça Economic Development Council (2015-2017).