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Prof. Gábor Hamza
Professor, Department of Civil (Roman) Law, Eötvös Loránd” University, National University of Public Service (NKE) in Budapest
Civil (Roman) law, EU law, Comparative law and Eastern European legal systems. Listed arbitrator of the Budapest Chamber of Commerce Arbitration Center
Current Position:
Professor at the Department of Civil (Roman) Law at the „Eötvös Loránd” University (ELTE) Faculty of Law in Budapest
Professor at the National University of Public Service (NKE) in Budapest
J. D. (Budapest, 1973), Diplôme at Faculté Internationale pour l’Enseignement de Droit Comparé (Amsterdam, 1973), Candidatus Rerum Politicarum et Juridicarum (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1979), Doctor Rerum Politicarum et Juridicarum (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1983)
In 1972, completed all of educational and professional training required to become a Hungarian attorney-at-law. Member of the Budapest Bar
University Carreer:
Professor at the Department of Civil (Roman) Law, „Eötvös Loránd” University, 1984-, Associate Professor of Law, „Eötvös Loránd” University, 1980-1984, Senior Assistant Professor of Law, „Eötvös Loránd” University, 1977-1980 Assistant Professor of Law, „Eötvös Loránd” University, 1971-1977
Research and publication:
24 monographies, 1652 partly autonomous, partly co-authored, partly edited or co-edited volumes, articles and review articles on Roman law, legal history, comparative law, EU law, legal philosophy and constitutional law
Visiting Professorships:
University of Pavia, June 2022, Centro Universitário Curitiba, September 2019, University of Rome (Università degli Studi Roma Tre), December 2015, Universidad del Salvador (Buenos Aires), April-May 2014; Universidad John F. Kennedy (Buenos Aires) April 2014; Kazakh Abylai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages (Almaty), December 2013, University Le Havre, January-February 2011, November 2009; University of Savoie, March 2009; University of Paris V, March 2008; University of Toulouse, February 2008, University of Paris V, March 2007; Université Paul Cézanne-Aix-Marseille III, February 2007; Seinan Gakuin University (Fukuoka), September 2006; University of Paris II, March 2006; University of Paris V, February 2006; Faculty of Law (UNISA-Pretoria), January 2006, University of Paris XII, on a regular basis since 1993 in March and October every academic year; University of Rome (Università Roma Tre), May 2004, November 2003, May 2003, May 2002, April 2001; University of Rotterdam, September 2002; Michelle Pitard Wynne Professorship, Loyola University School of Law (New Orleans) February 2000; University of Helsinki, December 1999; University of Liège, October 1999; University Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid), April 1999; University of Milan, November-December 1998; University of Memphis, February 1995; University of Pisa, April-May 1994; University of Paris V, February 2006, February 1995, February 1994; Syracuse University College of Law, August-September 1991; European University Institute at Florence fall semester 1990; Fulbright Visiting Professor, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law (New York City), academic year 1989/1990; University of Rome (“La Sapienza”), spring semester 1989, spring semester 1988, spring semester 1987, spring semester 1986; University of Salerno, May-June 1989; University of Parma, May 1988
Research Fellowships:
Freie Universität Berlin, July 2013, Lisboa Academy of Sciences, August 2013, University of Lisboa, December 2012, University of Munich, August 2012, University of Munich, July-August 2011, Yeditepe Universitesi (Istanbul) September 2010, Institut für Zeitgeschichte (München) August 2008, October 2009 and December 2010, Max-Planck-Institut für Geschichte (Göttingen), July 2001, July 2003 and April 2004, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht (Heidelberg), July-August 2002, July-August 2004, August 2006, August 2007, September 2008, July 2009 and August 2010, University of Cologne, July-September 2000, Oriel College (Oxford), July 1998, Swiss Institute of Comparative Law (Lausanne), August-September 1996 and July-August 1995, University of Amsterdam, August 1993, University of Thessaloniki, March 1993, University of Munich, July 1992, University of Nancy, April 1992, University of Torino, July 1991, Max-Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte (Frankfurt am Main), February-March 1989 and January 1993, University of Cologne, 1980-1981, University of Rome, fall semester 1979, University of Munich, 1976-1977
uest Lectures:
Lectures at numerous universities in the U.S., Canada, Turkey, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Austria, Poland, Peru, Spain, Belgium, Finland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Israel, The Netherlands, South Africa, Greece, Switzerland, Japan, China, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Argentina, Portugal, Australia, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Russia, Bulgaria, TRNC, Cuba, Norway etc.
Academic and Professional:
Member of the Arbitration Court attached to the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Foreign member of the Academy of European Private Lawyers (Pavia), Institut International du Droit d’Inspiration et d’Expression françaises (IDEF), International Academy of Comparative Law, The American Society of International Law, American Foreign Law Association, Organization of American Historians, Société Jean Bodin, Société Internationale pour l’Histoire du Droit, Association Française des Historiens des Idées Politiques, Association “Henri Capitant”, Consejo Europeo de las Investigaciones Sociales sobre America Latina, Centro Internazionale Ricerche Giuridiche, Laboratorio di Storia Costituzionale “Antoine Barnave”, Vereinigung für Verfassungsgeschichte, Hungarian Lawyers’ Association. Editor-in-chief of the Anglo-American Legal Studies, Acta Facultatis Politico-Iuridicae Universitatis Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös nominatae, Publicationes Instituti Iuris Romani Budapestinensis, Studien zum römischen Recht in Europa and Magyar jogtudósok (Hungarian Legal Scholars, member of the All European Academies (ALLEA) Framework Programme 9 Working Group, Consejo asesor internacional de la Colección Mínima Panorama de Derecho (Sevilla), Herald of Legal History (Beograd)
Honorary member of the Turkish Academy of Sciences (2019), Doctor honoris causa (Ankara University – 2019), « Széchenyi Prize » ‒ the highest, most prestigious scientific award in Hungary (2018), « Prima Prize for Hungarian Science » (2018), TUBA Academy Prize in Social Sciences and Humanities – Turkish Academy of Sciences (2017), Doctor honoris causa (Danubius University – 2016), Scientific Prize (Rome) « Oriens Arca Iuris » (2014), Commandor’s Cross of the Order of Merit of Hungary (2014), Full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2010), Scientific Prize « Albert Szent-Györgyi » (2005), Corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2004), Officer’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary (2000), Scientific Prize « Ferenc Deák » (2000), Honorary Medal « Petrus Pázmány » (1994), Graduation « Sub Auspiciis Praesidentis Rei Publicae » (1973)
Regularly lecturing in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish, reading Dutch, Latin and classical Greek
Abstract:Legal Relations between Türkiye and Hungary in the 19th and in the 20th Centuries
Comparative law or comparative jurisprudence is a basic method by which people learn about the countries in which they live. Comparative law is a study also of the historical relationship, between legal systems. Comparative law was an efficient means to promote understanding between the Turkish and the Hungarian nations as well as States. Comparative law was - still is - an efficient tool in the evaluation and improvement of the legal system of both countries. By consulting the experience of the Turkish and Hungarian legal systems, the legislative branch of power was exposed to new perspectives and models for consideration in the development of legislation both in Türkiye and Hungary. These ranged during two centuries from common social trends to shared social prob1ems. Comparative law served as a means to promote understanding between the Turkish and the Hungarian nations and developed a framework for legal cooperation between the two States.