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Lisa Herzog
Dean, University of Groningen, Faculty of Philosophy
Lisa Herzog works at the intersection of political philosophy and economic thought. She has held her position at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Groningen since 2019; since 2021 she is the Director of the Center for Philosophy, Politics and Economics, and since January 2023, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy.
She holds a master (Diploma) in economics from LMU Munich, and an M.St. in Philosophy and D.Phil. in Political Theory from the University of Oxford, where she was a Rhodes Scholar. She has worked at, or visited, the universities of St. Gallen (CH), Leuven (BE), Frankfurt/Main (D), Utrecht (NL), and Stanford (US), and has held fellowships of Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin and Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study. Between 2017 and 2022 she was a member of the Global Young Academy, where she lead the SCISO project; she is currently a member of De Jonge Academie and Young Academy Groningen.
Herzog has published on the philosophical dimensions of markets, liberalism and social justice, ethics in organizations, and political epistemology. She is a co-editor of the interdisciplinary journal Review of Social Economy. Her latest monograph is Citizen Knowledge. Markets, Experts, and the Infrastructure of Democracy. The current focus of her work are economic democracy and the philosophy of work.
Abstract:Building trust in science is not a secret trade - a lot is known about it, and there are many best practices that one can learn from. And yet, the academic system does not sufficiently incentivize and reward the kinds of activities that can build trust in science, especially for young researchers in precarious working conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to make more space for collaborative activities, to offer training, to involve the right kinds of experts, but also to reflect on certain dilemas that it can lead to.