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Mr Tiberius Ignat
Director, SKS Knowledge Services,
Tiberius Ignat is the Director of SKS Knowledge Services, a mission-driven company operating in the quaternary sector of the economy to make Research a popular culture. His company runs a successful series of workshops - Focus On Open Science, now in its 10th year. After being a long-time individual member of the European Association of Research Libraries (LIBER), he became a LIBER Associate through his company, where he is now the co-chair of the LIBER Citizen Science Working Group.
Tiberius founded and served as the vice-chair of the Working Group “Citizen Science at University” at the European Citizen Science Association, and he is a member of the Association for Advancing Participatory Sciences (US). He is a member of the Scientific Committee for OAI, the CERN - Geneva University Workshop on open science and a member of the core group at EARMA’s Open Science Thematic Group (The European Association of Research Managers and Administrators). He developed and launched BESPOC (Broad Engagement in Science, Point of Contact), a model for science-society engagement now implemented by a number of European universities.
Tiberius is an EU Expert and occasionally assesses research proposals under EU funding schemes.
He was part of the Sorbonne Declaration on Research Data Rights.
Tiberius Ignat has a PhD in LIS from the University of Bucharest and is an active researcher in research management, participatory science, and the impact of new technology on the research cycle.