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Associate Professor Teresa A. Oliveira
Chair of the ISI-CRA, ISI Committee on Risk Analysis
Associate Professor with Habilitation in Mathematics-Statistics, at DCeT-UAb, https://portal.uab.pt/dcet/en/, in Lisbon, Portugal, she is a senior member of the CEAUL, http://ceaul.org/o-centro/membros-ceaul/. Her research interests include Experimental Design, Statistical Quality Control, Risk Analysis, Statistical Modeling, Computational Statistics, Stochastic Models, Data Analysis, Data Sciences, Artificial Intelligence, Immersive Learning and e-Learning Methodologies. She actively participated in many Erasmus+ Bilateral and Teaching Programs and was selected by the National Agency as an evaluator for Erasmus+ during 2021/2027. Chair of the ISI-CRA International Statistical Institute - Committee on Risk Analysis, https://www.isi-web.org/committee/committee-risk-analysis, she was a founding member of the ISI Working Group on Data Science. She is co-editor of several special issues in journals and books, like Springer, Springer-Verlag and ISAST. She is Associate Editor of JAS - Journal of Applied Statistics and of MPS -Mathematical Population Studies, Honorary Editor of the BBIJ- Biostatistics and Biometry International Journal and is member of other prestigious Journal Editorial Boards, acting as well as international reviewer. She has publications in several indexed international and national journals, books, special issues, and proceedings. She organizes and integrates the Scientific/Organizing Committees of conferences in several areas and around the Worls, namely on Statistics and applications, Education Sciences, E-Learning Mathematics, Operations Research, Entrepreneurship, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and others.