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Ms Szilvia Szántó
International Innovation Expert, Former Science and Technology diplomat, Hungarian Innovation Agency
Szilvia Szanto is a former scientific and technological attaché and international innovation expert. Having a strong environmental background - engineer degree completed with an advanced master in EU environmental policy and management, and experienced in science diplomacy, Szilvia worked also in public administration and in private consultancy as well, both in Hungary and in France. Her expertise includes scientific intelligence, international and national policy making, strategical planning and evaluation. Thematic expertise covers sustainable consumption and production, climate change, renewable energy and energy efficiency, science-technology-innovation policy. She is currently international expert for the dynamization of the international visibility of Hungarian innovation ecosystem, and advisor for Horizon Europe participation of Hungarian stakeholders, mostly of climate and water related topics.
Abstract:As the global landscape becomes increasingly interconnected, the role of education and research networks in science diplomacy is pivotal for fostering trust in science and enhancing international relations. This session will explore how structured networks for education and research can be leveraged as tools for international cooperation and diplomacy. It brings together a diverse set of actors from the science diplomacy ecosystem, encompassing representatives from higher education and research institutions, European Union and government agencies, civil society organizations, and scientific and diplomatic communities.
Opening with an introduction to the CatalySD project, the session will delve into key themes, including cross-sectoral knowledge transfer as a means of building trust in science, education and research networks as drivers of sustainable international cooperation, and the opportunities for capacity building in network-based science diplomacy. Together with our panellists, we envision this event to build and strengthen the pillars of cross-sectoral knowledge transfer, education and research networks, while highlighting their potential to create sustainable drivers for international cooperation. Involving stakeholders related to different aspects of the quadruple helix, the discussion wishes to highlight the potential in capacity building for network-based science diplomacy.