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Professor Eörs Szathmáry

Research Professor, HUN-REN Centre for Ecological Research


Scientific achievements … (more)

Scientific achievements

• the stochastic corrector model as group selection of early replicators,• scenario for the origin of the genetic code,• analysis of genetic epistasis in terms of metabolic control theory,• a demonstration of the selection consequences of parabolic growth,• a derivation of the optimal size of the genetic alphabet;• general replicator theory,• a general framework to discuss the major transitions in evolution,• questions of weak, strong and ultimate open-ended evolvability.• the mitochondrial farming hypothesis,• hypothesis for extant life on Mars in Dark Dune Spots,• learning in evolution, evolution in learning• the possible role of replication with variation in higher brain function.


1995 Outstanding teacher of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Eötvös University, Budapest1996 New Europe Prize for Higher Education and Research, Stanford1999 Prize of the Hungarian Academy of Science, Budapest2001 Member of Academia Europaea2004 College de France guest2007 Corresponding Member, Hungarian Academy of Sciences2011 Guest professor, Faculty of Biology, Ludwig Maximilans University, Munich2013 Member, Hungarian Academy of Sciences2017 Széchenyi Prize

PanelsERC Advanced Grant, memberERC Synergy Grant, Vice President

Major grantse-Flux (Evolutionary Microfluidix): FET Open international consortium, Coordinator, 42 months, 2.3 M€, (start: 1 February, 2009)INSIGHT (Darwinian neurodynamics): FET Open international consortium, Coordinator, 42 months, 2.15 M€, (start: 1 March, 2014)EvoEvo (Evolution of Evolvable Systems): ERC Advanced Grant, 60 months, 2.6 M€ (start: 1 July 2012)In the light of evolution: GINOP Excellence project, National Research, Development and Innovation Office, 48 monts, 2.5 M€. (start: 1 March 2017)A general model of recombination in life. WW Life?, own share: 0.5 M M€ (start: March, 2017)Learning and Evolution. Frontline project,, National Research, Development and Innovation Office, PI, 60 months, 1 M€, (start: March, 2019).