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Prof. Andrea Toldy
Full Professor, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Andrea Toldy is a Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and full professor at the Department of Polymer Engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). She leads the MTA-BME Lendület Sustainable Polymers Research Group and serves as principal investigator for several European and Hungarian research grants, focusing on flame retardant polymer composites, epoxy resins from renewable sources and value-added recycling of polymers. In 2009, she received the L'ORÉAL-UNESCO Award for Women in Science, and in 2022, the Gábor Dénes Award. She was also awarded the MTA János Bolyai Research Fellowship in 2009 and again in 2015, and in 2020, she received the Bolyai Plaque. Since 2008, she has served on the editorial board of Express Polymer Letters, an international scientific journal. She regularly reviews for high-impact journals and serves as a reviewer for Horizon Europe proposals. She has been a member of several international conference organizing committees, and was the co-chair of the organizing committee for the 19th Fire Retardant Polymeric Materials conference, held in Budapest in 2021. In addition to her research work, she is actively involved in teaching. To date, three of her students have earned their PhDs, and she currently supervises one PhD student. At the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at BME, she is a lecturer in "Sustainable Waste Management" and "Technologies of Sustainable Development", playing a key role in shaping the environmentally conscious engineering mindset of young engineers. She also serves as the vice president on the board of the Hungarian Plastics Industry Association, representing universities and higher education.