‹ BackDr Allen Weeks
Director General, The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC
Allen Weeks was appointed as the new Director General of the ELI Delivery Consortium, effective 24 July 2018. Formerly the Associate Director for Members and Stakeholders Relations, Allen took over Carlo Rizzuto, who had been in the post since December 2015.
In his new role, Weeks is given responsibility for managing the transition from ELI DC to ELI ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium), which is expected legally in place in the first half of 2019.
Allen Weeks began working with research facilities in 2005 where he got involved in the construction project of the Free-Electron Laser ‘FERMI’ at Elettra in Trieste, Italy. He was then Director of Business Development at Instrumentation Technologies, a leading company making instrumentation for the world’s most state-of-the-art accelerators.
From 2012-2017, he was the Head of Communications, External Relations, and In-Kind at the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund. He joined ELI in November 2017 to make use of his experience in starting up a leading European research infrastructure and ERIC membership negotiations.