World Science Forum Explores Pathways to Advance Sustainable Development Goals
Day three of the World Science Forum on 22 November was opened by former President of Hungary, H.E. János Áder, at Plenary Session III, titled “Taking Forward the Results of the Summit of the Future”. In his opening remarks he highlighted critical challenges and advocated for actionable steps to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) while emphasising the limitations of current economic performance metrics.
Science Policy Through the Lens of Policymakers: Investments in Science Create Ripple Effects Across Society, the Economy and Governance
A dynamic roundtable discussion at the World Science Forum explored science policy through the lens of policymakers, emphasising how investments in science create ripple effects across society, the economy and governance. Esteemed speakers of the Ministerial Roundtable II titled “Policy for Science: Balancing Risk and Reward” addressed the critical role of evidence-based policies and the challenges of translating research into real-world impact.
Global Experts Highlight Urgent Need for Action on Climate Change and Health on the Second Day of World Science Forum
Leading experts convened to address the profound and interconnected impacts of climate change on human health and future generations during the afternoon hours of the second day of the World Science Forum on 21 November.
Epistemic trespassing, the logic of markets, populism and open science – interview with Prof. Lisa Herzog
Following her participation in the plenary session “Trust in Science – Conceptualizing Trust in Science” at the 2024 World Science Forum in Budapest, Prof. Lisa Herzog, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Groningen, discussed the complex relationship between knowledge, science and democracy. As our societies are faced with an increasingly complex set of challenges, the question of how we produce, distribute and utilise knowledge in our societies becomes ever more critical.
Day 2 of World Science Forum 2024 Champions Trust, Inclusivity, and Open Science
Day 2 of the World Science Forum 2024 in Budapest highlighted critical global conversations on building trust in science and fostering inclusive and open scientific practices. Sessions explored how science can address pressing societal challenges while emphasising transparency, accountability, and collaboration. The key theme of the day centred on the need to rebuild and sustain trust in science to ensure that its transformative potential is fully realised for the benefit of humanity.
Modesty will help us to be trusted – Sir Peter Gluckman's message to all scientists
In an era marked by global crises, declining institutional trust, and rapid technological advancement, the role of science in society faces unprecedented scrutiny. Sir Peter Gluckman, President of the International Science Council, offers a candid assessment of these challenges and potential solutions during an interview conducted on the eve of the 2024 World Science Forum (WSF) in Budapest.