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professor Anne Husebekk
Vice-President , International Science Council
Anne Husebekk was elected rector (vise-chancellor) at UiT The Arctic University of Norway between 2013 and 2021. Rector was also chairman of the Board of govenors. UiT is a comprehensive university with special focus both in education and research on climate, environment and sustainability in the Arctic.
Professor Husebekk is a physician by training, specialised in Immuology and Transfusion medicin and professor of immunology.
Professor Husebekk has served in boards in the Norwegian Research Council, is vise-chair in the board of University of the Arctic, chairman in the board of Tromsø Research Foundation and vise-president of the International Science Council. She is member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and the Letters.
Professor Husebekk is particulary interested in global and reporductive health, climate and environment, geopolitics, science systems and freedom and responsibility in science.